
StackCommerce Brand


StackCommerce Brand



Breathing New Life into an Established Brand

When StackCommerce was initially launched in 2013, it was called StackSocial and functioning as both a B2C and B2B brand. Just a couple of short years later, the business had grown so much that it needed to rebrand the B2B side of things, which is what StackCommerce is today. However, at the time of the rebrand, no new brand identity was adopted for fear of losing what had already been established.

We thought it was time to fix this.


Old vs. New

We wanted to maintain as much brand recognition as we could, so instead of completely overhauling the design, we simply refreshed it. We dropped the stacked icon and bright blue color (that had become synonymous with StackSocial), adjusted kerning and weight for better legibility at smaller sizes, and introduced a subtle infinity sign within the wordmark to signify the theme of connection as our most important business value.


Colors & Style

We crafted a new color palette, featuring a teal-blue (aptly named "Stack Teal") that spoke to the more serious brand we wanted to reflect. We felt that the more restricted selection of colors balanced well with the rounded edges in the logo, which helped to keep the brand professional, yet approachable.

The new identity was launched alongside a new StackCommerce website, which I also designed.


All About That Swag

What's a brand refresh good for if you can't have some fun with it? We created all new company swag to get our team and partners pumped about the change. Given that the office is so close to the beach and exudes all of that laid-back coastal culture, my personal favorite is the wave pattern consisting of our new infinity brand icon.


I worked with the CEO and leadership team of StackCommerce on this project.

My Role
Concept & Art Direction
Lead Designer