
Skillwise Brand


Skillwise Brand



Launching a New Online Learning Brand

Skillwise is an online learning marketplace whose mission is to provide affordable online courses to anyone, anywhere. We developed the brand from scratch with the overall goal of making it feel professional yet fun, and easily accessible yet competent. 


Creating the Logo

We explored a few different concepts (as seen above), but ultimately landed on the idea of making new connections as a method of learning a new skill. Additionally, we selected the imagery of the play icon to very easily speak to the nature of online learning being through video.


Colors & Icons

We kept to our theme of 'professional yet fun' when selecting colors for the brand. The below color palette and icons were created to represent different categories of online courses which could be used on the site to help users identify what they were looking at. 


Welcome to Skillwise!

We created a series of launch emails to market the new brand. Our main goal here was to quickly highlight what Skillwise was all about for both current and new users.


Now We're Excited!

While we focused primarily on getting this brand launched for our customers, we also thought it was important to celebrate internally with a little Skillwise swag.
Not pictured: excited faces of the team at our Skillwise launch party.


I worked with the CEO and Marketing Manager of StackCommerce on this project.

My Role
Concept & Art Direction
Lead Designer